Adventure Park Korkee
At Korkee, you’ll find activities both in the treetops and on the ground.
What this is about?
Adventure Park Korkee is the first of its kind in the metropolitan Helsinki region. Our first park opened in 2014 in Mustikkamaa and the second opened in Paloheinä in 2017. Remember to visit both parks as the have slightly different kinds of exciting challenges in them.
Our ropes courses start from 1 meter above the ground and end up at most 15 meters high!
Where we operate?
Adventure Park Korkee has two locations in Helsinki, at Mustikkamaa and Paloheinä.
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Adventure Park Korkee links
Find out more from our website, and follow our social media channels.
Korkee gallery
Below you can find some images and videos from Korkee.
Korkee by numbers
Key figures from Adventure Park Korkee
What Our Client Says
Some comments and feedback from our customers and clients.
Korkee partners
Contact us if you are interested in working with us.